Wednesday 30 July 2014

turning adult

everyone know something about turning into an adult right...
like going through puberty, rebellious age or just getting a large number of candles on your birthday cake.

well here is an article that shows that turning into an adult isn't so great:

15 Ways That Turning Into An Adult Is Not All That It's Cracked Up To Be

1. Your pet situation

Expectation: You'll finally have the house full of puppies and kittens and ponies that you've always wanted.

Reality: Anything that requires more care than a houseplant seems a little overwhelming right now.

2. Your sleep schedule

Expectation: You'll stay up super late every night and forget that the word "bedtime" ever existed.

Reality: Being in bed by 10:00 sounds like actual heaven.

3. Your diet

Expectation: Nobody can stop you from having ice cream for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Reality: This is true, but so is the crippling regret that comes after trying it once.

4. Your employment situation

Expectation: You'll never settle for anything less than the fun, high-paying job of your dreams.

Reality: You're hoping that your unpaid internship leaves you with enough time to keep your weekend fast food job.

5. Your living situation

Expectation: You'll have an awesome house that you can decorate any way you want.

Reality: You have an apartment that's slightly bigger than your body... if you can afford to move out of your parents' house.

6. Your love life

straightwhiteboystexting.tumblr.comExpectation: Finding your mature, good-looking soulmate will be easy now that you're both grown up.

Reality: Being single forever is starting to not sound so terrible after all.

7. Your culinary skills

funnyjunk.comExpectation: You'll be able to make all your favorite foods whenever you want.

Reality: This is much harder than Mom made it look.

8. Your relationship with your parents

goodreads.comExpectation: You'll finally be free from the controlling clutches of your parents.

Reality: Getting a call or a visit from Mom and Dad makes your whole day better... especially when you need their advice.

9. Your financial situation

celebquote.comExpectation: You'll have your own money to spend on whatever you please.

Reality: You dream of a day where you'll have money left over after paying for groceries, rent, and bills.

10. Your peers

iscreamsundae.comExpectation: You'll finally be surrounded by mature, responsible people just like you.

Reality: Most adults are just old children with more freedom and body hair.

11. Your responsibilities

netmeister.orgExpectation: You'll finally be free from all the work you had to do in school.

Reality: You realize it was nothing in comparison to the work/school/life load that you have now.

12. Your ability to multitask

giphy.comExpectation: Running errands and doing chores will be easy and make you feel more "adult-like."

Reality: Your parents definitely have superpowers that they did not pass on to you.

13. Your wardrobe

funnyjunk.comExpectation: Your fashion sense will be the envy of other adults who wish they could look as put-together as you.

Reality: You would sacrifice your left arm to be able to wear sweatpants to work.

14. Your coolness

misscinemafanatic.tumblr.comExpectation: You will refuse to be the lame-o that can't keep up with new technology or slang.

Reality: People are throwing around words like "Twitter" and "swag" and quite frankly it's all a bit overwhelming.

15. Your adjustment to it all

globalgrind.comExpectation: Turning 18 will grant you instant knowledge of everything you need to know about becoming a grown-up.

Reality: Neither you nor anyone else has any idea of what's going on or what you should do.

Averi Clements

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