Tuesday 29 April 2014

MRT problem

OK there were about 2/3 of Singaporean including foreigners, PRs and tourist riding the MRT everyday.
And everyone knows that there are some MRT etiquette that we tend to follow.
Although we don't really empathize it but we do know about its existence.

This is what i wanted to say, you guys know about the metal rail at the top of the MRT train right?

You know some guys like to hold there for support (is like they would hold there even though there are hand rail to hold onto).
OK I know that holding that part is better in keeping balance on a moving train.
But must you hold that part every time you enter the train?
I have seen a lot of guys doing that.
Most of the time, I am not really disturbed by it.
But, you know (during peak hours), there are guys still doing so.
These guys are the one who is not really tall so, they have to fully stretched their arm just to grab that part.
And you know, sometimes your face just happen to be there. (girls you know what I am talking about right?) And the worst part is that that person just happen to just finish from his work and had sweat under his armpit.
You can imagine the smell that is coming from there right?? x(

There is another problem that came from there.
But I believe that it is something that does not happen very often to anyone.
OK, so today, when I was riding the MRT,
There was this guy who were holding the metal rail standing in-front of me.
He is actually quite tall and after holding the metal rail, his arm is bended and his elbow is around the height of my forehead.
So when the MRT made a sudden break (this happen every time), my forehead went straight towards his elbow.
And it hurt so bad that it actually create a bum on my forehead.

So guys let me tell you this.
I know how the metal rail in the MRT is so much better to hold onto for balance than the hand rail.
But please understand that there are people who is shorter than you and if you are still going to do that, make sure that you armpit does not stink, cause it is really disgusting and make people feel very uncomfortable.

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