Saturday 31 May 2014


everyone knows that coke cola has its own slogan of "open to happiness"
now, there is something that coke had done to make it even better for others.
they have created the "3 minutes happiness".

watch the video below to understand what i am talking about:

here is the link to the actual article:

Thursday 29 May 2014

open to happiness

there is this very awesome coke bottle that is specially designed. (btw i love coke)
this bottle is only available, i think, in America in one of the collage there.
so what is so special about it?
well, watch the video below:

here is the actual website to this amazing news:

Wednesday 28 May 2014

moving on

there are always reasons to why people wanted to let go of something and moving on.
some of the reasons are unknown to the people themselves and many were just problems that are super obvious but the person doesn't wanted to solve it.

so, here are the article that i have found and it might be helpful:

20 Signs It's Time To Let Go & Move On
Then the questionable life changes crop up. Should I stay or should I go? Should I buy or save? Should I forgive or forget? Should I move or not? The shoulds become a thirsty internal craving as we try to process the best outcome for our life.
To avoid the toxic outburst of staying in situations that no longer serve you, ask yourself if any of the following 20 signs apply.

20 Signs It's Time To Let Go And Move On
1. When your thoughts go to memories more than the present.
2. When the situation causes you more pain than joy.
3. When you expect, hope and plead for the person, place or situation to change.
4. When you become complacent, bored or resentful.
5. When the pattern persists even though you tried to fix it.
6. When you feel alone, unheard or disrespected.
7. When the situation is holding you back from growing and being who you want to be.
8. When you stay, hoping and expecting things to get better.
9. When you cry more than you laugh and love.
10. When you feel exhausted emotionally, spiritualty and physically.
11. When you have lost your passion and joy.
12. When you core beliefs and values have changed and you sacrifice who you are.
13. When you stop having fun.
14. When you fear this is the best it will be.
15. When you force a smile to mask the pain.
16. When you lose who you are and stop dreaming.
17. When you hold on out of fear of the unknown.
18. When you sense you are holding onto something meant to be let go.
19. When the thought of being free of the situation feels expansive.
20. When you believe in a better life for yourself.
This list serves as a compassionate guide to help you make the right choice for you. If you found yourself saying yes to the majority of these questions, it may be time for you to take a step forward and let go. Trust your future and know you will be guided to happiness. 
here is the link to the real article:

Tuesday 27 May 2014

love love love

do you know what everyone is most afraid of?
it is to end a long-term relationship.

so, being in a long-term relationship means that you might ended up with the other partner and live for the rest of the life.
but having to end it is something that most couples will not do, as they have being with each other for very long now and being unable to be with each other might be something that is undo-able.
however, sometimes something just make it impossible for the couple to stay together.

so here are some of the example of reasons to break up:

7 Things That Will Make You Break Up Your Long-Term Relationship
1. You hinder each other's growth
Is your love keeping you from doing what's best for each other? Is your relationship more of a distraction? Remember: relationships exist so you can be your best self, not hinder each other's personal growth.
7 Things That Will Make You Break Up Your Long-Term Relationship

2. Differences in goals and valuesAs you get older, sharing common goals and values is important. If you can't negotiate and make compromises, it might be best to end it before you find yourself in too deep.

3. Once a cheater, always a cheater
If your man can't keep it in his pants, do yourself a favor and dump the sucker. The last thing you need is someone who fills your mind with self-doubt or makes you feel like you're not good enough. What's the point of staying in a relationship with someone you can't trust?
7 Things That Will Make You Break Up Your Long-Term Relationship

4.  Lack of physical intimacy
Chemistry and intimacy matter. If your relationship is running dry—literally and figuratively—in these departments, maybe its time to initiate "the talk."
5. He's a pathological liar.
After being together for years, you'll learn that women's intuition is often right. Small lies like, "I can't visit you today because my car is coding" (when he's really just at home playing 2k14) can lead to bigger lies like, "Just playing ball with the boys" (when he's actually watching a movie with another girl). You deserve someone you can trust for both the small and big things. If he thinks he can get away with stuff all the time, he'll never stop lying.
6. Trouble communicating with each other
You deal with rough patches differently. While you're more vocal and open about dealing with your problems, he would rather avoid it at all costs, even if it means avoiding you completely. At this point in your LTR, you two should be comfortable enough to make the relationship a shared experience, not a guessing game.
7. You're nobody without him.
While it's great to have someone you share this wonderful life with, your life is still yours. Always remember to leave something for yourself. Don't let your relationship eclipse your own identity. Be brave enough to step out of his shadows and be your own sun.

here is the link to the actual website:

Saturday 24 May 2014


one of the most difficult language in the world that i think is definitely English.
not because of is spelling or how we phase each world, but the pronunciation of each world is the one that is giving every one the hard time.

so, here is a challenge for all of you, a little poem with lots of rhyming words:

according to what the article says:

If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world.

After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labor to reading six lines aloud.

so, are you up for the challenge?

here is the actual link to this post:

Friday 23 May 2014


guys, ever think that internship or being an intern is so fun and meaningful
well, once that you have become a full time employee in your company a you saw some of the interns there, you would realize that being an intern is a bit like a minion...
so, here is the reasons why:

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

1. They look like this on their first day:

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

2. And they feel like this:

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

3. They travel in packs.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

4. They’re never what you expected from the phone interview.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

5. They are easily confused.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

6. Not to mention overeager.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

7. They don’t know where to get lunch.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

8. They’re often underdressed.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

9. They know their place.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

10. They agree with anything anybody says.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

11. Jamming the copy machine is their specialty.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

12. So is asking the same questions over and over again.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

13. They can be hard to understand.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

14. They kiss up to their bosses.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

15. Friendly competition happens.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

16. But they eventually learn how to work as a team.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

17. Answering the phone is intimidating.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

18. They might take selfies when the boss isn’t looking.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

19. Happy hour is a must.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

20. They keep their workspace clean and organized (most of the time).

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

21. The CEO is equivalent to a celebrity.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

22. They want holidays off.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

23. Occasionally their nerves get the best of them.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

24. They’re always willing to help.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

25. Friday afternoons feel like this:

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

26. Sometimes they do stupid things.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

27. Really stupid things.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

28. But they take responsibility for their mistakes.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

29. Saying goodbye to them is bittersweet.

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

30. They’ll miss you too!

30 Ways Interns Are Just Like Minions

so, after seeing these, got the thought of "am i like this when i was an intern?"
well, some people will have it for sure...
cause i do... kind off...

here is the link that i got this article from:
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